I’ve been using Emacs off and on for years. What made me crawl back to it this time was org-roam which implements a Zettelkasten personal knowledge system in org-mode. After using this for a bit and really enjoying it, I thought I’d explore using org-mode itself for more of my writing and note taking needs.
One of the results of this is this site. Right now I’m typing in a full-screen zen-mode buffer holding my site’s .org file. It’s very ergonomic and by narrowing my view to just this post: entirely distraction free. Once I’m finished and I save this file, ox-hugo is going to convert this org mode file into markdown files for hugo to use to generate the whole site.
And when I’m ready to publish, I’ve written a small Emacs lisp function that runs the Hugo build and then deploys it via WebDAV using rclone to upload it where it needs to be :
I am pretty happy with this so far and really appreciate the simplicity of the whole setup. I enjoy writing in Emacs using org-mode and this lets me stay in my preferred writing environment. Here is to hoping it encourages me to write more on this blog!